DA Comp's MissionTo assist you, and to insure proper accounting on all Dial Around calls.DA Comp has created a program that collects Dial Around type call data and matches it to the responsible Paying Party. This program is available to you today File your 4th quarter 2004 Dial Around through DA Comp!With Dail Around calls on the rise, and NEW toll-free numbers being implemented every day, your Call Detail data is vital to your business as well as the payphone industry as a whole. Your Dial Around call records are important to you. Collect them regularly. This is your proof of access to the Networks. Without this information you will have to "TRUST" the Clearing Houses, IXCs and the Calling Card Companies for the accounting of your calls. THIS CURRENT SYSTEM IS NOT WORKING AND YOU KNOW IT.DA Comp bills all major carriers PLUS many others that may not be billed by your current service. Do Not LOSE your revenue! Please take the time to complete the information requested about you company on DAComp Dial Around Compensation Agreement TODAY. Please, contact Sales@DAcomp.org with any question about how to get started. DA COMP IS YOUR TOOL TO ANALYZE YOUR DIAL AROUND
DA Comp Consulting Inc. is a billing company created for PSP¡¯s to have an accountable method for filing Dial Around. By comparing your call records to carrier records, we are able to help you to collect and manage your Dial Around.
DA Comp¡¯s billing system was tested in 1999, billing the first, second and third quarters as a Beta test with overwhelming results. DA Comp has identified more than 1200 carriers, and have idenified the carrier to bill and have stored in our database more than 1 Million Dial Around numbers.
Our billing process feeds Dial Around #¡¯s into a master database, by company, where they are cross checked with our existing database of Dial Around numbers identifying each carrier and responsible paying party. Example: MCI uses more then 500 resellers.
By using Dial Around numbers we are able to get an average on ANI¡¯s where call records or FLEX ANI are not available. The above process helps identify new Dial Around numbers, carriers and responsible paying parties placed into service during each month so they can be identified and billed immediately so it doesn¡¯t get out of control like in the past. THEY ARE NOT
GOING TO PAY UNTIL THEY GET BILLED The FCC rules are in place. We as PSP¡¯s will never be able to collect the millions of dollars of Dial Around that is slipping through our payphones to the carriers pockets without call records. DA Comp has created a check and balance system that will prove the amount of 800 calls that is owed by each carrier, allowing us to come up with a specific dollar amount owed. Until ¡¡ãwe, as an
industry¡¡À begin compiling our data in a uniform system,
such as the one being offered by DA Comp, (which is currently being
accepted by Clearing Houses, IXC¡¯s, Prepaid Card Companies and other
responsible payees), we will have to depend on the honesty & integrity
of these responsible carriers. With the system in place now, each
carrier, per FCC ruling, has to keep records for 18 months only. The carriers don¡¯t have to pay
until they are billed. If these carriers are not identified and billed we
lose a quarter of revenue each quarter they are not billed.
Until these changes are implemented nothing is going to
change in YOUR Dial Around
checks. JOIN DA COMP
DIFFERENCE¡¡À We are interested in
communication not litigation! Without call records you wouldn¡¯t be able to
effectively litigate anyway. However YOUR call records empower DA Comp to pursue a legitimate
and precise call count for each ANI for accountability to each respective carrier. This
in no way means the carrier will pay, but our billing system will help you
the payphone provider know who¡¯s paying, if they paid enough, who¡¯s
not paying and how much they
owe. How much do they owe you! That is what WE want you
to find out! Knowing who owes you and how much, is when the
real capacity to collect Dial
Around comes together. |